Privacy, cookie policy and transparency obligation
In accordance with art. 13 of European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and Order no. 229 of 8 May 2014 governing the use of cookies, we wish to inform visitors to the website about the use of the data entered and of the cookies used by the site itself. This information note is also provided in accordance with Recommendation no. 2/2001 as adopted by the working group established by art. 29 of Directive no. 95/46/EC. This note relates to the websites and portals of MENDOLA S.a.s. and does not refer to other websites that may be accessed via links.
As a consequence of accessing the website, data may be processed that is personal or that may be associated with the user by means of cookies. The data controller is MENDOLA S.a.s., whose registered office is located at Bolzano (BZ) Siemens, 16.
The data controller can be contacted using the following contact details:
Tel: 0039 0471 262073
E- mail:
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website will, during the course of normal operation, gather certain personal data that are automatically transmitted when using internet communication protocols. Such information is not collected so as to be associated with identified individuals but, by its very nature, it could result in the identification of users via processing and association with data held by third parties.
Such data will include the IP addresses or domain names of the computers of users who connect to the site, addresses of the requested resources in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) form, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the digital code indicating the status of the reply from the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment.
These data will only be used to obtain anonymous statistical information about site usage and to check that it is functioning properly; they will be deleted immediately after processing. The data may be used to establish liability in the event of possible computer crime against the site.
Such information relates to data provided voluntarily by the user.
- User area: please note that the data provided will be used solely to comply with your request. The data collected will be kept only for as long as is necessary to respond to you. Data will be processed according to the consent given. If permission for processing is refused, it will not be possible to handle your request. Any other purposes related to marketing activities (sending of advertising or promotional material) will be subject to your specific and separate consent.
The above-listed processing will be carried out solely in computerised form, but processing in paper form cannot be excluded. Your data may be communicated to persons regarded as recipients pursuant to art. 4 or to data supervisors pursuant to art. 28 of the Regulation (EU) with responsibility for responding to your requests to us.
Please refer to the dedicated section with regard to data collected by cookies.
Your data will not be transferred in any way to third countries outside the EU or to international organisations, nor be stored on servers located in any third country.
The data controller does not use any automated decision-making processes in respect of your personal data.
You have the right at any time to request the data controller to provide you with access to your data, as well as to the rectification or deletion of such data. You will receive a written reply within 30 days (unless you have specifically requested a verbal reply), which may also be in electronic form. You also have the right to request the limitation of processing or to object to it. Finally, you may request the portability of your data to another data controller. You may at any time also revoke any consent you have given via this website: to revoke such consent simply contact one of the addresses listed above.
You have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority if you feel that your data have been processed unlawfully.
Cookies are small text strings that websites visited by users send to their devices where they are stored before being transmitted back to these sites when users next visit. When browsing users may also receive cookies on their devices that are sent from other websites (see Regulation of Data Protection Supervisory Authority no. 229 of 8 May 2014).
To ensure cookies are correctly regulated they must be distinguished according to user objectives.
Technical cookies.
Technical cookies are cookies used solely “to transmit a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service” (see art. 122 (1) of the Privacy Code and Regulation no. 229/2014).
Such cookies may be browsing or session cookies, which ensure normal browsing and use of the website (e.g. for users to make purchases or authenticate access to restricted areas).
No prior user consent is required for the installation of these cookies.
Profiling cookies.
Profiling cookies are designed to create user-related profiles and serve to send advertising messages in line with the preferences indicated while browsing online.
Given their invasive nature, users are asked to give their prior consent to their installation as required by art. 122 of the Code.
Analytical cookies.
Analytical cookies are used to monitor the usage of web pages by providing statistical reports that may help the publisher optimise its site. One of the most commonly used tools for web analytics is “Google Analytics”, a service provided by Google Inc. that enables the collection of browsing statistics. The Data Protection Supervisory Authority has stated that such cookies may be deemed technical cookies where the IP address is anonymised (even partially) and there is no information sharing with Google; such cookies will otherwise be regarded as in the same class as profiling cookies.
The company has also partially anonymised user IP addresses and reduces the data that Google can access via its Analytics tools.
Each cookie type may be first-party (i.e. processed and managed directly by the website owner) or third-party (i.e. installed and acquired by different persons).
Third-party cookies include so-called social plugins, i.e. elements that permit integration of social media (such as, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc.), which operate via the website where they generate cookies.
Please consult the relevant statements regarding the regulation of information collected by third parties.
Here is a list of cookies used by our website:
Our website uses the following cookies.
You can modify the choices you make upon first accessing the site at any time by following the procedures below.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer - Google Chrome - Mozilla Firefox - Apple Safari - - This site contains information on behavioural advertising and cookies and gives advice on protecting your privacy online.
Denominazione Beneficiario / C.F. Beneficiario / Soggetto erogante / C.F. Soggetto erogante / Identificativo di riferimento della misura di aiuto (CAR) / Numero di riferimento della misura di aiuto (CE) / Data incasso Importo incassato / Titolo Misura / Tipo Misura / Titolo Progetto
MENDOLA SAS DI LAZZAROTTO MARTINA & C. 00098560212 STATO 27/04/2021 6.349,00 Decreto Sostegni Art.1 del D.L. 25 maggio 2021, N.73 Regime di aiuti Sussidi emergenza Covid
MENDOLA SAS DI LAZZAROTTO MARTINA & C. 00098560212 P.A.Bolzano/Bozen 00098560212 17496 SA.62495 21/10/2021 17.671,20 Regime quadro nazionale sugli aiuti di Stato – COVID 19 (Artt. 54 - 61 del DL Rilancio come modificato dall'art. 62 del DL 104/2020) Regime di aiuti Proc. COVID19 Canale2 Commercio - 2021